Sunday, January 12, 2014

Marah, ca. 2005

Stephen King, writing in Entertainment Weekly, hailed IYDLYC as the best record of 2005.
If You Didn't Laugh, You'd Cry is an apt enough title, when you consider that this is probably the best rock band in America that nobody knows. Am I being an elitist here, trying to one-up my audience? Nope. Marah is great in the scat, bop, and jive way Springsteen was great on The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle. One listen to songs like The Closer and Fat Boy on this amazing record and I think you'll agree. These guys are either the American U2 or close enough for government work.
Am I going to claim to you regular people that I am not aware that Stephen King has heard my voice, and this pleases me? Of course not.

I mean, can you believe is - STEPHEN KING HAS HEARD MY VOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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