Tuesday, January 14, 2014

More A-Rod Then I Swear That's It

Here's something you might not realize about the case of Alex Rodriguez: There's no physical evidence at all tying him to the purchase or use of any prohibited drug. His suspension was laid down and upheld based entirely on a series of claims made by Anthony Bosch, who is now on the payroll of Major League Baseball, as well as copies of copies of his notebooks and a set of text messages, which corroborated his claims. Even if you concede that the compromised witness and the corrupted documentary evidence are credible, though, they still don't prove anything more than that Rodriguez purchased and used what he thought were banned substances. We know that Bosch says that's what they were, and we might concede that he believes that's what they were, but that still isn't proof that Rodriguez was doping...Alex Rodriguez, to be clear, wasn't suspended because anyone could prove he did anything; he was suspended because there was good reason to think he wanted or tried to do something. He was convicted, in other words, of a thoughtcrime.

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