Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Say Goodbye to your Next Hour

Extensive oral history of Hoop Dreams:
Agee: I hadn’t seen my dad in probably three weeks. He was strung out on cocaine.
James: We were struck by how awful he looked. He looked completely strung out.
Agee: I saw him out of the corner of my eye, and I’m like, “Oh, shit.” So I went right to him before he could get to the court, and told him they were filming, but I really felt like saying to him, “Where’s your fucking shirt?”
Gilbert: For me, that was one of those sad, rare moments when you’re a shooter and you have subjects you care about, and you realize the depths of where things are at. I can’t tell you about framing that scene, because it just becomes instinctual. You’re following what’s going on, and capturing the moment. I think Steve and I drove home pretty heartbroken that day.

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