Sunday, January 26, 2014


I recently had my first Kobe beef experience (thanks Marley!) To be honest, while they were really good, since they were sliders I can't say I could really tell the difference between it and regular beef, but I have been thinking of sliders ever since. I just watched Alton Brown make some on tv, and I've been food-porning them all over the internet. The best I've had are at Bourbon in Adams Morgan. So I was curious about what I had to say about sliders in my absolutely stunning different types-of-burgers post from 2009:
SLIDERS: "People, a slider is something very specific. It is not just a mini hamburger. It's a thin, thin slip of beef, cooked on a griddle with onions and pickles piled atop patty. The steam from the onions does as much cooking as the griddle. The buns are placed atop the onions, absorbing the pungent aroma and flavor. A slider is at once a hamburger and, yet, something more. (Maybe because you eat a bunch of them at one sitting.)"

I'm not sure I've ever had a slider that wasn't from White Castle. And NYC had a somewhat recent turn wherein every fancy club in town tried to out-cute each other with fancy little sliders, I guess so that when you're grooving to Radiohead and trying to hit on a chick the tiny burger makes your hand look HUGE, therein obviously making the chick think you a whopper in your pants and will follow you home for some fizz-ucking. Of course once she finds out that you actually have a slider in your pants she will be disappointed, especially the next morning when, ironically, she feels like she's had a bunch of White Castles: utterly disgusted, covered in "grease" and in desperate need of a toilet.
So up til then a slider meant White Castle, so. I've now had two wonderful "real" sliders. What do you people want from me, blood? Okay fine, I'll say it: it looks like I might have been, as The Fonz would say, wrr...I was wrr...I'm trying to say, I was wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...wrong.

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