Tuesday, January 07, 2014

State du Moi

I'll take the freezing cold over the blazing heat any day of the week. I am insufferable in the summer, with my regular threats to move to Canada. Interesting take via Matt Yglesias HERE:
The larger issue is that I think there's a warm weather cognitive bias because it's a lot more fun to go on vacation in warm weather. If it's a nice hot day and you're on vacation then you're in good shape. Enjoy a cool beverage in the sun. Relax in the pool. Swim in the ocean. This is all good stuff. In terms of cold weather recreation, there's not much. Skiing, I guess, for fancy people. But hot vacation definitely beats cold vacation, and vacation definitely beats working. So people get it mixed up in their heads and think hot = fun while cold = not. But that's a confusion. You're not on vacation most of the time. And when you're not on vacation, you're better off with extreme cold than extreme heat.
And fuck you, Ezra Klein!

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