Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Day No Pigs Would Die

She rudely adds that “it’s a wonder you can talk at in this house and all its Shaker ways. You’d get better than a D in English if you were a fearing Baptist.” At these words, Robert’s heart almost stops beating. He has heard about the Baptists, who “put you in water to see how holy you were. . .If you didn’t come up, you got dead and your mortal soul went to Hell. But if you did come up, it was even worse. You had to be a Baptist.” A Day No Pigs Would Die
"Hear me God, it's hell to be poor!"  A Day No Pigs Would Die
I've blathered on Xmastime many, many times about my superslice A Day No Pigs Would Die, and now I've stumbled upon this quick synopsis as pat of what is surely an intoxicating series, the Minute Book Report on YouTube.


The Gnat said...

This is even shorter than the famed "Randal Notes" synopses - only what is needed to pass an EHS book quiz. Admit it - it wasn't really your slice until you realized you could read all 98 pages the night before a book quiz. Like "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" and "Terry Bradshaw, Man of Steel."

Xmastime said...

Was actually the first book test in hs I took and i got, oddly enough...a 98.

Xmastime said...