Monday, March 17, 2014

Here's a Fucking Tip

I've always hated when a restaurant posts a sign reminding us that the servers depended on our tips since the restaurant doesn't pay them shit. I understand the social custom, but at least let us play the game; don't fucking ANNOUNCE you're getting away with not paying your own workers. What other business gets away with this?

Meanwhile, a restaurant in DC will give its servers a living wage and ban tipping:
Owner Bill Perry will pay workers at least $15 an hour and put notes on tables and the website explaining that waitstaff won’t accept tips. If anyone still leaves tips on the table, the staff will decide on a charity to donate it to.
I'm happy they're getting paid a living wage, but I don't understand why tipping has to be banned. Why does it have to be one or the other, not both? You're always free to tip anybody for any service they provide. Meanwhile, we're very accustomed to tipping waiters/waitresses. So if we're so happy with their service we'd STILL like to kick them a tip even though we don't ant to, why should that be forbidden? Wouldn't that just make servers even HAPPIER to be working there, making them wanna bust their butt a little more, making your restauarant that much more popular?

Then there's this:
Perry’s fears of a poor dynamic created by the custom of tipping waitstaff is grounded in research. It often perpetuates racism and sexism, as attractive women make better tips and white servers make more than black ones, despite similar service. 
Perry's intentions may be well-grounded, but I don't see how banning tipping has anything to do with it. The point should be that these victims of racism and sexism as servers are now protected by a real living wage. Above and beyond that, isn't all fair in war and tipping.

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