Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I'll Yumblr for Ya

Then I'd go home and start drinking gin & tonics while spending hours crafting mix tapes for friends of mine from back home. I'd finish the tape and then play it from start to finish, all while closing my eyes and imagining I was that person who had received the tape and was listening to the songs for the first time in an order that, somehow, meant something to me. I probably made 50 of these tapes, of which 2 I actually mailed. And then I'd spend hours writing extensive liner notes for each song. And each tape more than likely included We All Love Peanut Butter by the One Way Streets. - XMASTIME
 When I saw the title alone on Tumbr for My Husband's Stupid Records I had already thought "GENIUS!" Then I actually wen to the site and VOILA!  The first record see is Back from the Grave Vol.1 which includes my super-slice of superslices, We All Love Peanut Butter!
I really love these liner notes.  For the song “We all Love Peanut Butter" by the One Way Streets (which is also very good) it says:
"One hot summer day in 1966, two mom-driven station wagons pulled up outside Sunrise Studios in Hamilton, Ohio and out piled 4 insane teens. While their moms set up a table on the lawn outside and played bridge and drank lemonade, the One Way Streets were inside the studio shredding their way through 2 songs they felt would create a major disturbance. As a finishing touch to their wild afternoon, they ripped off an eighty.dollar mike on their way out the door and haven’t been heard of since."
Every single detail about that anecdote makes me very, very happy.

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