Monday, March 17, 2014

Obvious du Fucking Jour

In a bid to somehow top all the New York Times articles still coming out "geee, Williamsburg is becoming gentrified!", this dipshit has decided SXSW isn't quite the scrappy little indie rock puppy pound it used to be:
If the annual South by Southwest Music Festival was once a highly prized opportunity for developing artists to win needed attention from music-industry personnel, it's now a hydra-headed corporate carnival that employs some 2,200 musical acts to attract marketers and advertisers. Music is still its saving grace, but a question lingered here last week: Is it worth it for emerging artists to perform at an event that seems less about their art and more about branding, networking and deal-making?
Hey, no shit Sherlock - for fuck's sake Metallica played there HALF A FUCKING DECADE AGO!!!

Back when SXSW mattered. A little.

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