Sunday, March 16, 2014

Wally Walker Who?

As you all know I've long bitched about how long it's been since Virginia hoops matters - a quick search on here for Jeff Lamp will fill you in - and while I can't say I've cared too much about them over the past two decades (through no fault of my own: not only have they sucked,  they've been completely unwatchable), I have gotten swept up with them over the past few weeks. They're not only good, but EXTREMELY watchable and likeable. And while I can't say I'm as much of a fan as those who kept paying attention all these years, I must say their winning the ACC Title Game today was both fantastic in that it's their first since 1976 (a staggering statistic) and odd in that I feel like a Red Sox fan in 2004 must've: I can't remember a time in my life when I couldn't bitch and moan about the Cavaliers not having won the tournament since 1976.

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