Tuesday, April 08, 2014

A Fair Point

By Marley, in response to this.
No, no, you’re missing it.  He’s an actual character, not a complete and total douchebag.  He wants every advantage and that’s the way he coaches, but because of that, he inculcates a brutality in his son, who, after all, just made a mistake when he got angry and threw at the fat kid.  So, he comes out and blows up at his son, never realizing that the attitude he’s fostering has the disadvantage of being too close to the line.  His son sees it and decides to give him the big “f.u.” at the end.  Morrow is no saint, but he’s essentially Matthau, except, he doesn’t get his epiphany, and Matthau’s epiphany is achieved through watching Morrow.  

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