Saturday, April 05, 2014


I came in 2nd place in all four of my brackets, by a total of 16 points (10 of those in a single bracket), purely because of:

1. Kentucky making it to the final. I had Virginia beating Kentucky in all four of my brackets (in all my brackets, maybe 60ish people, I'm the only one who has a team in the final, even tho it doesn't matter cuz I have them losing)
2. People's overwhelming faith in Florida
3. Lots of people close to me who went with their hearts, ie UVa

Of course I picked UVa too, to beat Kentucky in the final...and looking now, I'm pretty sure Kentucky would crush them.

In other words, thanks to UK this is my best bracket ever!
And now the craziness begins ie who got in, who didn't get in, the seeding etc. As I speak Mad Dog's heart is seizing as he peels Mike's oiled hair back, screaming. Every year, I study the brackets like they're the Dead Sea Scrolls; upon completion, EVERY SINGLE TIME I look at my picks and honestly think " know what...I don't see a wrong pick here..." and I try to stuff in as many ACC teams into the Final Four as possible. Which, I guess, would be by definition...four. And, of course, by the end of Day 1 my bracket sheet is hurled in the garbage, wrong wrong wrong, and I swear the next year I'm gonna pick by uniforms a la Dwayne picking football teams on their helmets.

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