Friday, April 04, 2014

Now This Is Funny.

28 Kids Falling Over. Ha!
28 Kids Falling Over

I tapped the back of Chuck’s head, which set it bouncing atop his skinny neck like a balloon attached to a piece of string, and his hand instantly flew up to where I’d hit.  Looking up at me, he pointed and cackled.
“Hey buddy!”  I playfully shot a thumb and finger pistol at him.  Right on cue he fell back on his ass, which was thankfully cushioned by a thick slab of Huggies and whatever the hell had built up in the thirty minutes since he had last tried to kick me in the balls while changing him.
Chuck looked up at me, horrified.  Not that the actual fall hurt, but instead of rushing to him and cooing “oooooh, Chuck, Chuck, it’s okay!” and letting him cry on my shoulder for ten minutes, I was pointing at him and laughing.  Such an undignified spill being met with laughter must have been very confusing to him, but the fact is, a one year-old kid falling on his ass is funny.  Maybe not as funny as when babies are crawling and they somehow “trip” on the floor, which is really more sad than funny, and still a mystery to me no matter how many times I witness it…I mean, you’re ALREADY ON THE FLOOR! How did this just happen?  But, still, pretty funny.

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