Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's Hot! It's Hot! It's Hot in Here!

Great bit from The Sports Guy re: Lebron's unfortunate cramping in Game 1 of the NBA Finals:
It’s more funny than anything that LeBron’s kryptonite is unexpected heat; he’d make for the worst DC Comics character ever.
Just break the AC when he’s not expecting it! Turn it off!
Hey, it's not so crazy - that's what they tried to do to save Dona Martin, after all:
But then comes my favorite part: the cops' big plan is to sweat the guy out by turning off the air conditioning in the studio. What? How John McClain! And here we go, about 2 minutes later...everyone is soaked in sweat, the dude is starting to slur his words and move slowly, as if he's hallucinating. All from turning off the a/c. Are these people polar bears? I'm sorry, is this tv studio located on the sun? Oh that's right, they're in California. I guess they're just not used to warm weather.

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