Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Notes on Watching An Episode of The Bachelorette with Kdawggy

1. My "the other guy got to sit on a fucking train?!" quip when the guy was rapelling down the side of a building got the biggest laugh of the night.
2. Kdawggy reached her snapping point around minute 88.
3. The first 87 were no picnic for her either.
4. That 50 minutes spent on basketball were excruciating to watch.
5. Her in that leather dress was not.
6. I learned I will eat pretzels if there's cheese involved.
7. I'm pretty sure all the dudes are gay.
8. Apparently what women like is for a dude to talk about how guarded he is seconds before revealing every feeling he has ever had about anything. The earlier in the date he can mention a close tragedy the better he is (after of course reiterating how guarded he is, of course)FULL DISCLOSURE: Maybe Im still bitter over this guy stealing one of my Real World girlfriends http://xmastime.blogspot.com/2010/01/real-world.html
9. I got screamed at each of the 17 times I tried to bring this up during the show.
10. My goal during the next episode is to not only get kicked out myself, but for Watty to hafta sleep on the porch. Next door.

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