Monday, December 08, 2014

Is This The Laziest MF in America?

“You’re the laziest white man I ever seen.” - Archie Bunker, to Meathead.
NASA's New Horizons has woken up so that next year it can give us our closest and best shots ever of the celestial body formerly known as "The Planet Pluto." Very exciting, right? Until we see this:
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft was launched on January 19, 2006. It's down to the final 162 million miles of its journey and will arrive July 14, 2015. New Horizons has had 18 hibernation periods totaling 1,873 days to save wear and tear on its components. This was its last nap.
It's been 3,248 days since its launch, and New Horizons has been asleep for 1,873 of those days, meaning it has worked a total of 1,375 days.  It's been sleeping more than working.

Sigh. "Where's My Country?" indeed. Sigh (again.)

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