Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fucking Idiot du Jour

Here’s the poster child for the “idiot Republican (‘the party of personal responsibility!’) votes against and rails against healthcare and now has a debilitating disease and is asking for handouts online while railing against politicians for letting this happen scenario.
A South Carolina conservative who refused to sign up for Obamacare is going broke and blind – and he blames Obama.

The 49-year-old Lang, a self-employed handyman and Republican who works with banks and the federal government to maintain foreclosed properties, has never purchased insurance and always prided himself on paying his own medical bills.
Lang and his wife blame President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats for passing a flawed law – although not even private insurers allow people to forgo payments when they’re healthy and cash in benefits after they’re sick.
I don’t want anybody to suffer and I hope he gets the money he needs, but it’s a crystallization of people voting against their own interests and then bitching about the very people that were there the whole time who could’ve helped him if he wasn't a fucking idiot.  More importantly, his gofundme page is worth reading for the comments alone, here’s a few gems:
I want to donate enough to really help you out, but I can't figure out how to get GoFundMe to accept bootstraps.
If only there was some type of program that would allow people to pay money into a pool even if they were healthy so that if the time ever came when they would need it, they would not have to worry about losing evetrything they worked for. Maybe they could even have a preexisting condition and not have to worry about it being covered. Oh, and if they couldn't afford the premium, maybe the state they live in could expand medicaid so it it can help them afford it. A subsidy, if you will. If that was offered by the Federal Government to states it would be CRAZY for the states to deny that to their citizens. Yeah, if only.
...all of your tea bagging buddies would tell you to just go die because you wouldn't take any responsibility for yourself, that you're a lazy good-for-nothing who expects other people to float the bill. You sicken me. But thankfully, I've got insurance and can see my doctor. 
Every one of your donors identifies as liberal. Your conservative right-wing friends gave $800,000 to an homophobic pizza place, but not one dime for you. Think about that.
Perhaps you could have your GOP senator put you on his lifetime socialist death panel nightmare of a healthcare plan with his family. While you're at it have your doc check you for an irony deficiency. BOOTSTRAP TIME!
I already helped you. I voted for Obama. He offered you health insurance and you turned it down. Now you want help? Ha!

Good news is that you will still be able to hear Fox News.

Of course the odds are about 100% of Hannity or someone nobly swooping in to pay his bills to stick it to Obama.

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