Wednesday, May 27, 2015

GOP Debates? YES PLEASE!!!!!!!

9:07pm  T-Paw says God is in the Preamble to the Minnesota Constitution.  "That's the only fucking place you'll find me in Minnesota," God answered. -XMASTIME
Article HERE re: the GOP presidential debates will once again be the greatest reality show of all time:
If the point was to subdue the freak show, it’s not clear this new rule is going to accomplish what the party wanted it to. Indeed, what they seem to have done is combine the new propensity of eccentric billionaires to meddle in the nominating process with the celebrity conferred by the right-wing media machine. In this era of big-money politics, the old concept of going to Iowa and New Hampshire and glad-handing every single voter to jump start a national campaign is giving way to something new:
“We live in a society that values celebrity, and our nominee is going to have to go up against Hillary Clinton, who’s got a million percent name ID,” [GOP strategist] Rick Wilson said. “And, in reality, all of these campaigns are working to build the same thing. Your political operation now is a start-up operation that lasts for a year and half, and that’s your time to build a celebrity.
Sink into your Xmastime rabbit hole with my history in GOP debates, including THIS ALL-TIME CLASSIC.

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