Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Inbetweeners Irony du Jour

While he is by far one of tv's all-time raunchy, disgustingly bullshitting (and funniest) characters of all time who's sole raison d'etre is to put up a facade as a ladies mans, Jay Cartwright is also the only character who has some real, actual vulnerable tender moments throughout the series. Not just horrible things like what happens to all of them via bullies/physical humiliation et al, but moments of heartbreak over girls which surprises even himself, or his horrifying home life thanks to his terrible father, or his (albeit brief once he's jerked back into Jayland) connection with the "fat-ass" guy everyone hates at the Xmas party. Interesting.

Here's Jay being hysterical with his bullshit, even while collapsing into tears!!

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