Thursday, June 04, 2015

31 Years Ago Today

Born in the USA came out:

I bought Born in the USA when it came out; I was 11 years old and this seemed to me to be the only real 'rock n roll' record out there that I knew about at the time. I can still remember playing it over and over - I loved the bombast of the title track, and I LOVED 'Dancing in the Dark', - still do to this day. The track that still gets me choked up, and I can still picture where I was sitting when I first heard it, is 'Bobby Jean'.  Funeral slice of funeral slices. I wore the HELL outta Born in the USA (still have the cassette). Many, many years later Op gave me a mix tape of Bruce cuts (remember mix tapes?). I remember riding the Dog down to Charlottesville and I had it in my walkman, kinda listening, not really paying attention etc and then a song called 'Livin On the Edge of the World' came on.  And just like that, I was in love.  - XMASTIME
Story behind the cap on the album cover HERE.

Somewhere, I don't know where, there's a tape of me and Dave on E Street Radio giving my rundown of what should have been Born in the USA. Hint: My Love Will Not Let You Down/Lions Den/This Hard Land in, Darlington County/Downbound Train out.

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