Monday, June 01, 2015


Short interview with Marah:
SM: In October the band is releasing “Kids in Philly” on vinyl to celebrate it’s 15th anniversary of release, have you heard a test pressing of “Kids in Philly” yet?

DB: Yeah, and I ain't's 10 times the record it is known to be. “KIP” was made as an analog record, but it's only ever been heard as a sterile, MP3-esque digital, small, tinny picture of its old self...I'm very pleased to say that as an LP, all of the life and soul and bass and balls have returned and it sounds super-duper, very powerful and convincing.

It is one of the very few good records I can think of that appeared at the exact wrong second and fell into that digital only movement where, up until now, it was frozen between those changing technologies. Luckily—with a ton of hard work—we  were able to double back and rescue it. Close call—now it'll be on the Earth long after we are. Thanks to Paul Smith (amazing production) and Scott Hull at Masterdisk NYC (mastering engineer, vinyl enthusiast and Buddha of music.)
Don't forget to pre-order the vinyl Kids in Philly HERE!!

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