Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Brave. So Brave.

Gawker nails it re: the absurdity of calling Judd Apatow "brave" for going after Cosby in his standup routine:
The bravery of comedian Judd Apatow knows no bounds: last night on the Tonight Show, Apatow returned to his favorite topic—rape—and guess what? He’s against it! So bold. 

The passable routine is earning Apatow gushing accolades—why? For daring to criticize a man so unpopular that even the president of the United States has called the allegations “clearly rape.”
What Gawker didn’t point out is that Apatow spent the rest of his routine being what would now be considered Cosby-esque creepy when talking about living with his wife & daughters, saying things like asking them if you can pop a zit on a testicle, and painting a portrait of him hiding in the corner of the room when these three “beautiful” girls are around. Wtf?

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