Sunday, July 12, 2015


As a staunch defender of the idea that a man of my generation should only consider the real first three Star Wars movies to be the real series and will never lay eyes on any made after 1983, I had no idea Harrison Ford always thought the entire thing was, in a word, shit:
The evidence is legion. There's that oft-repeated anecdote of Ford arguing with George Lucas about the Star Wars script: "You can type this shit, George," Ford told him, "but you sure can't say it." Later, when Return of the Jedi rolled around, Ford notoriously lobbied Lucas to kill off his character, to no avail. What did he have against Han? "He was not so interesting to me," Ford would explain in one interview, adding in another, "He’s certainly a much less interesting character than Indiana Jones," before concluding, "He’s dumb as a stump."
In thinking about this for the first time, I must say that I wholeheartedly agree with this statement:
"What makes Han Solo work is that he is played by an actor who thinks Star Wars is stupid."

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