Thursday, August 06, 2015

A-Rod Rehab Continues

Dude at GRANTLAND points out one of the reason's A-Rod's doing so well in the court of public opinion, the fact that his nemesis is generally despised even more than him:
In many ways it has actually helped A-Rod’s image that his greatest nemesis is his own organization, the one that re-upped him on a 10-year contract in 2007 and has frantically combed through it for loopholes ever since. There’s something pretty delicious about seeing the Yankees — a franchise that prides itself on its staid pinstriped perfection, that looks everyone in the eye and asks them solemnly why can’t they be more like Derek Jeter — reduced to being a Costanza-era caricature of itself.
Costanza! Ouch!

"We won the World Series."
"Yeah. In 6 games."

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