Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hypocrisy as Per Usual

One thing we've learned from the Ashley Madison hack is that over 38 million married people have signed up for the adultery website, which means that yes it's gay people that are ruining mthe sanctity of marriage. Cough.

Anyway, of course some uber-famous Christian guy famous for posting videos about what an amazing Christian values family guy he is has gotten busted for being on the site but not to worry, he's asked God for forgiveness and had received it, so that's that. Just like David Vitter a few years ago:
You see that? He asked for AND RECEIVED forgiveness from God. Hmm. Really? He knows for fact that God forgave him? Can somebody please ask him how? Did God text him? I mean, did he really just say that? How can he say that and nobody asks him how this hapenned? And can I use this in court maybe? “Listen, your honor, I already talked to God and he forgave me for stealing the car, so you might as well let me go.” I guess him saying this horseshit makes it okay. Am I crazy, am I the only person on Earth thinking it's a bit much to believe that "God" reached out and spoke to this dipshit? A bum on the street talking to Jesus is "crazy", but we're alright with Vittner having God on his speed dial. Camon.

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