Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Keith Richards May Be a Fucking Idiot

Keef, who for some reason felt the need to release a solo album recently, had some not-so-nice things to say about his superiors:
“The Beatles sounded great when they were the Beatles. But there’s not a lot of roots in that music,” he continued. “I think they got carried away. Why not? If you’re the Beatles in the ’60s, you just get carried away—you forget what it is you wanted to do. You’re starting to do Sgt. Pepper. Some people think it’s a genius album, but I think it’s a mishmash of rubbish, kind of like Satanic Majesties—”Oh, if you can make a load of shit, so can we.”
He is, of course, out of his goddam mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One wonders what Keith thinks of Satanic Majesties.