Tuesday, August 25, 2015

No The Civil War Wasn't About "States Rights"

Great point backing up Ken Burns' declaring that YES the goddam Civil War was about slavery, you fucking idiots:
Slavery was empirically and indisputably the entire reason for the Civil War. As Burns described in the interview, it’d been gurgling just under the surface ever since the signing of the Declaration, and especially following the ratification of the Constitution. Speaking of which, whenever someone brings up the states’ rights excuse for the war, the most effective response ought to be, States’ rights to do what, specifically? Clearly, the answer is the right to own slaves. Full stop.
This false impression — this mythology — continues to resonate from a time when Confederate generals were dutifully repackaged as reluctant, underdog heroes fighting against long odds, rather than the traitorous villains they actually were. From that, we get this ludicrous zombie fantasy that the Confederate flag is solely about Southern heritage. But, again, we have to ask for specifics: the Southern heritage of what? And, again, the answer has to be nothing short of slavery, secession, mass death and treason.

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