Friday, August 07, 2015

Some Of My Facebook Gems You May Have Missed from Last Night's Real Housewives of the GOP Show

Trump sounds like a 6th-year senior: too stupid to graduate, but says whatever the hell he wants with absolute confidence.

GOP debate takeaway: every other leader in the world is a super-genius, American leaders are stupid but oh yeah, American exceptionalism and all that. Love it.

Asking a Republican if he thinks government is too big is like asking a dude if he wants to see your tits. Thanks for wasting our time, genius.

Making lemonades from lemons: this GOP thing has been instrumental in keeping me from watching Joe Dirt 2 tonight.

Oh good, a question about what martyrs Christians in America are. In other news, The Beatles are worried about today's album sales. ‪#‎gop ‪#‎debate ‪#‎thirdbase

This is what its come to: a legitimate question in a "debate" for the nomination of a US president is "did God call you to this?" Hopefully God is checking his feed and thinking "whoa whoa whoa, don't blame ME for these idiots!"

Nothing about Benghazi so far? So the GOP doesn't care about when the Japs bombed the Twin Towers and chopped Springsteen's head off? Wtf? ‪#‎wheresmycountry

Ben Carson ended rather wonderfully. Its a shame Republicans hate black people.

Jeb Bush is about as charismatic as whatever the total opposite of what charismatic is.

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