Friday, September 18, 2015


Not a lot of people know this, but my mother invented the phrase “If your fathah has to pull this caaahhh oveehhh, so help me Gwad.” - XMASTIME
I've long bitched about actors trying to do the Boston accent in movies, which they always bitch and by they I mean mainly Kevin Costner:
But in this flick he's playing Kennedy advisor Kenny O'Donnell. Kenny O'Donnell...does anyone have any idea how Kenny O'Donnell talked in real life? Is his speech pattern/accent Cosell-esque; ie ingrained in us so much that an actor would have to try to imitate it? Anyone whipping out their Ken O'Donnell imitations at dinner parties? For fuck's sake Kevin you're not playing one of the Kennedys; I can fucking promise you there's not a single person watching the movie that is thinking "hey, waaaaaaaiit a minute...THAT'S not how Kenny O'Donnell talked! This is bullshit!!"

Could've just talked normally, nobody would've cared. Fucking distracting.

Even people FROM Boston trip up over it, a lá Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting.

I stand by my thinking that unless you're playing JFK, don't even bother trying it.

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