Friday, September 11, 2015

Happy 9/11 from ESPN and George Bush

The latest 30 for 30 Short Film from ESPN is The Pitch, about George Bush's strike he threw at Yankee Stadium in the 2001 World Series. You can watch it HERE.

It's not a bad way to spend 24 minutes, but you don't learn anything you didn't already know from watching the incredibly awesome 9 Innings from Ground Zero other than Bush is the only president who's played Little League baseball and one of his daughters is pretty hot. Deadspin's asking why EPSN is doing Bush's heavy lifting re: making everybody forget he was a war criminal, which you can take however way you'd like.

But the last line Bush speaks in the film is telling:
“Standing on the mound at Yankee Stadium was by far the most nervous moment of my presidency"
At first it sounds folksy and quaint and something you say when you're trying to be humble/human. But then you think "REEEEally? Throwing a baseball was THE most nervous moment you had as a president who reigned over a terrorist attack and its ensuing wars?!" and a it reminds you of the worst of George Bush, that blissful, willful ignorance and thinking "from the gut" without the burden of any thoughts or care of consequence.

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