Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Long Live the Queen

There's a lot of fuss about Queen Elizabeth becoming the longest-reigning British monarch ever; not the least of which is this Xmastime post from a few years ago involving the Queen she's bested, Victoria:
Yesterday I asked a friend of mine (okay, it was Op, but I didn't wanna sound gay by referencing him in consecutive posts...sue me!) how old his grandmother was, and when he answered I was reminded of when I was a young kid, and my brother and I were trying to find out exactly how old my grandmother was. Even at such a young age we both could tell "this woman is ancient." At the dinner table after some hounding from us my father thought he'd be clever and riddled us with "your grandmother was born the year after Queen Victoria died." The words were barely out of his mouth before Brothatime! blurted out "She was born in 1902? Wow!" And those words were barely out of HIS mouth before I said "We have a queen??!?!!!"

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