Wednesday, October 07, 2015

This Guy...

My thoughts on Steve Rannazzisi, the guy from The League, which I've never watched, who recently had to admit he'd lied about being downtown on 9/11 are you know what, move on. He seems to genuinely be horrified at what he did, which was let a lie slip out for no discernible reason and then get sucked into having to to live out the lie for the next 14 years. I'm sure we've all done lesser, less famous versions of a lie like this. I'm sure the guilt that's eaten him up is greater than any animus from people who really did suffer because of that day could serve to him. And if you're upset that he's cutting into your share of the grief, then to me that says more about you than him. There's a lot of people out there like the guy from SNL who get to feel magnanimous and pat themselves on the back for forgiving Rannazzisi. He fucked up, and in the end it's not like it changes anything about 9/11 for the better or worse. There have been bigger monsters throughout history than this guy.

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