Thursday, April 11, 2019

Major League at 30, Please Kill Me Now

My very first date as a young buck with my future first girlfriend took place 30 years ago this week, which is totally depressing. Not depressing? On the date we saw Major League, which also debuted 30 years ago this week. Enjoy the guys over at The Rewatchables podcast as they talk about the movie. Oh, even more depressing? They spend almost zero time on Bob Uecker, which I must say is very strange. Tho they do ask what I've been asking for 30 years - why the pennant? Why not just go ahead and have them win the World Series? Wtf?

Five Favorite Bob Uecker Quotes from Major League:
"Heywood leads the league in most offensive categories, including nose hair. When this guy sneezes, he looks like a party favor."
"JUST a bit outside."
"So, here is Rick Vaughn, the one they call the "Wild Thing". So, he sets and deals.
[Vaughn throws a wild pitch]
Just a bit outside, he tried for the corner and missed.
[Vaughn throws another wild pitch]
Ball 4.
[Vaughn throws another wild pitch]
Ball 8.
[Vaughn throws another wild pitch]
Low, and he walks the bases loaded on 12 straight pitches. How can these guys lay off pitches that close?"
Harry Doyle: "So a tough loss for the Indians as Pedro Cerrano doubles off a pigeon and is tagged out while administering CPR before the tying run could score. Funny game ain't it Monty?
Monte: Well at least the bird survived.
Harry Doyle: Who cares? It's a rat with wings."
"If that's not Shaquille O'Neal in left, that baby's outta here."
My personal favorite:
[after Hayes calls a shot to left field and flies out to left for the second time]
"You know, he could be pointing at the left fielder."

I've also stolen his "dynamite drop-in, Monte" a billion times since then. :)

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