Monday, July 01, 2019

More OFAH Thoughts

Stumbled upon a list HERE of The Funniest Only Fools and Horses Scenes, and of course I have some thoughts.

10. Del's Tears after Cassandra's Miscarriage - I'm glad this made the list, as it always seems to fly under the radar on lists like these, but this is way too low. This scene should be in the top 3, for sure.

9. Rodney and Cassandra Meet - this is important of course but..."funniest"? What? No way - I'd put Del Boy's "beam me up, Snotty!"from the same episode here.
Del: Yes, 'cos I'm in stock and shares meself, yeah. I bought a few thousand shares in a little department store this afternoon. Now I've gotta phone me lawyer and me accountant. Gives you the 'ump, don't it? Excuse me, sorry, how do you spell ‘Arrods?
Woman: Capital ‘A’.
Del: Ooooooh I seee….well beam me up, Snotty!  

8. Uncle Albert's "During the War" Stories - a great gag running throughout the series, welcome anytime and anywhere.

7. "Gary" - This is Del & Rodney realizing they'd accidentally kidnapped a non-English speaking illegal immigrant, then trying to fool Raquel & Cassie by claiming he's an old friend of Rodney's named Gary. Definitely a classic.

6. Uncle Albert's Navigation (or Lack Thereof) - a running gag throughout is the 5 boats Albert were on while in the Navy - "two during peace time!", as Rodney said. It's a good gag but making this list? Nah. I'd definitely put Uncle Albert bungling his work with Del Boy to get Rodney to not take another woman out on a date.

5. Trigger - I guess Trigger in general, as a character? My favorite scene with him will always be this one (even tho Del delivered the punchline.)

4. Del's Hang Gliding Experience - The scene they mention is great, but it's when he comes back home to Rodney that I think belongs here. David Jason's delivery with "See you got home safely, Rodney" is an all-time great moment.

3. Batman & Robin - the mugging scene is great but as I mentioned in an earlier post, when they show up at the costume party and it turns out to be a wake is even funnier...unfortunately there's no video available online.

As for the first two, what is there to say? They're simply the funniest moments ever, and I'm pleased they put the chandelier #1.

2. Del Fall Through the Bar - why do they give away the punchlines in these damn video titles?!?!?!?!!?

1. The Chandelier Scene - simply the greatest, and followed by two great Del Boy lines:
Grandad: Is it very valuable Del?
Del: No, not really...bu it was bleedin' priceless when it was hanging up there though!
Rodney: What's his lordship gonna say when he finds out?
Del: Well, I think I can safely say that my invitation to the hunt ball has gone for a Burton!

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