Tuesday, July 02, 2019

More on a Movie I've Not Seen

Article at The Ringer HERE points out a fault with Yesterday: just because you have The Beatles songs doesn't mean you'll make them any good:
But Jack had it right the first time: The problem is him. There’s no faulting the songs on the movie’s soundtrack, which also include “She Loves You,” “A Hard Day’s Night,” and “Here Comes the Sun,” but the performances—which mostly consist of Patel accompanied by a solo, usually acoustic, guitar—are insipid and frictionless, the kind you might overhear while ordering a Bloody Mary to go with your omelet. The question posed in response to the trailers announcing Yesterday’s premise was invariably the same: Would the Beatles’ songs still be hits today? But the more pertinent question is whether Jack’s specific renditions would make a dent in the charts, and the answer, to my ears, is an unequivocal no. 
I'm reminded of a quote from the fantastic book, A Day in the Life:

"On April 26 1969, a young engineer at Abbey Road Studios named Jeff Jarratt was getting ready to work his first session with the Beatles. George Martin was unable to attend, but Martin tried to prepare the nervous Jarratt for what he was about to experience. Jarratt recalled Martin saying, "There will be one Beatle there, fine. Two Beatles, great. Three Beatles, fantastic. But the minute the four of them are there, that is when this inexplicable charismatic thing happens, the special magic no one has been able to explain."

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