Monday, February 10, 2020

It's Not All Bad News Out There

Bodega in the Bronx showing its generosity in a fun way:
Customers at Lucky Candy in the Bronx get an entirely different experience, and it's all thanks to cashier Ahmed Alwan. 
The rules are simple: If you can solve a math equation, you get five seconds to grab anything you want off store shelves and have it for free. 
"All I wanted to do was to help people," Alwan told CNN. "But I wanted to make it fun. So I made a TikTok and chose a challenge, asking them a math question. It's a way to entertain and educate people in need while putting a smile on their face, too." 
Those who answer correctly use their five seconds (and a few quarters) to scramble around the store grabbing anything from chips and ice cream to speakers and hookahs. But no matter how much they grab, or how valuable the items are, their cost is always the same: $0.
Kid pays for it all out of his own pocket, and hopes to go to school to become a pharmacist. My question is, who pays for all the shits that breaks from people frantically grabbing at stuff  on these densely-packed shelves?

But what a great kid. I'd expect some big corporation to try for some free publicity by stepping in and helping the guy.

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