Relocated Dwight's desk to the men's restroom (The
Fight). Season 2
- Probably my favorite, the genius is then calling Dwight and his earnestly answering Jim's question.
Puts Dwight's Items In Vending machine. Following this,
he hands Dwight a bag of nickels, for him to use to get his wallet
back (Booze Cruise).Season 2
- Probably second favorite, with the add-on of him handing Dwight a bag of nickels to buy his stuff back
Used a macro so that every time Dwight typed his name, it
appeared as "diapers" (Conflict Resolution). Season 2
- Super simple. I wonder if this was inspired by the "Dwigt" typo during "The Client"'s Threat Level Midnight read-through?
Made high-pitched noises with Pam, hoping Dwight would
schedule an appointment with an ear doctor, called "pretendonitis"
(The Coup). Season 3
- The name is even funnier than the prank
Told Dwight that the Benihana Waitress couldn't remember
how to butcher a goose, causing Dwight to tell her how to in violent detail (A
Benihana Christmas). Season 3
- I know they did it for the comedy but it's always driven me crazy they didn't just ask the could on a date to move down one so they could all sit together.
Told Dwight that the Benihana Waitress was asleep when
really Andy was telling her to close her eyes and imagine her dream
home (A Benihana Christmas). Season 3
- Two great ones within seconds of each other!
Slapped Dwight across the face when Dwight claimed that
"70% of attacks are from the rear" (Traveling Salesmen). Season 3
Intentionally slammed the brake smashing Dwight's face into the
driver's seat when Dwight sat in the back of Jim's car saying that "The
back is the safest part and the driver will always protect his side first"
(Traveling Salesmen).Season
- Another great pairing in the same episode. Basically the same joke, but gets me every time.
Hid Andy's cell phone in the ceiling tiles then called it
repeatedly. Andy again reacted violently, punching a hole in the wall (The
Return). Season 3
- Maybe #3 on my list, brilliant build-up leading to Andy punching the wall...the first time.
Dressed up as Dwight and parodied his speaking style.
Dwight returned the favor but was unable to successfully mimic Jim's pattern of
speech and insult him for who he was (Product Recall). Season 3
Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica. An overlooked, brilliant part of this one is that Jim bought the whole outift at a drugstore.
Jim convinced Dwight and Michael he was
William, M Buttlicker, in a role-play to help both Dwight and Jim improve the
way they speak to customers. Evidently Dwight does not do very well in the
role play and Jim (Bill Buttlicker) asks to speak to Dwight's manager,
Michael takes the phone from Dwight and quickly makes a million dollar
sale, with one condition, Michael must fire Dwight (Customer Survey).
Season 5
Brilliantly written by having Michael get sucked into playing along as if it was real
wrapped Dwight's chair, desk and everything on it in wrapping paper when in
fact he actually replaced his chair and desk with a Christmas-wrapped cardboard
version of the desk, and an incredibly loosely assembled chair. It became
evident when Dwight tried to sit and everything collapsed (Moroccan Christmas).
Season 6
Truly inspired, though one of those pranks where you wonder how much time it took Jim to execute and wonder, wtf?
man dressed like Jim, claiming to be Jim and everyone else believes is Jim
takes Jim's place. Jim and Pam's actor friend, Steve, pretends to be Jim
while Jim is at the dentist. Steve is Asian and pretends that he has been this
whole time and Dwight just never noticed. Steve knew everything Jim knew
including his sales history and his password to access his messages. He also
replaced his own family photos with ones of Pam, Steve, and two Asian children
(Andy's Ancestry). Season 9
How great was the guy who went on to be such a great character on Veep?
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