Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The BBC Office

After years and years of being the biggest Britcom fan on this side of the Atlantic (well, or the Pacific too, I guess), I finally watched the BBC version of The Office. (Insert the do you mean "The Office"? joke here).

Obviously it's a completely different show from the American version, which is one of my favorite shows ever. And that's partially due to Ricky Gervais wanting to stay true to the Fawlty Towers model of 12 episodes, then GTFO.

Bottom line is, it's great. I liked the second season way more than the first, but of course I might like the first one more with a rewatch. The Tim/Dawn stuff was way more interesting than Jim/Pam ever were (again, prolly because of the truncated timeline), and Gervais was nailing every movement and look at the camera more in the second season.

Two thumbs up! :)

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