Wednesday, May 13, 2020

World War I Conicidence du Jour

The whole article is worth reading, but it all boils down to this (my bold):
So, this is where the coincidence and the new relationship between Privates Parr and Ellison entwine. During the last few months of the war the Germans were in retreat and Private Ellison’s regiment had recovered those lost miles and was in therefore almost the exact position where Private Parr was killed by the German patrol in August 1914. There it came to pass by a stupendous and uncanny coincidence, that the first and the last British soldiers killed in combat lie opposite each other about 15 feet away. About 750000 commonwealth deaths stand inside the short 15 feet that lies between the bones of the first and last combat death. The unlikely placement of the graves was not in anyway deliberate, it was just a case that nearby both bodies were recovered from where they dropped with four long years distance between them.

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