Thursday, May 28, 2020

Writing Influence?

I am thoroughly enjoying The Diary of a Nobody, a book I had no idea existed before buying it a coupla weeks ago, when about halfway thought it I began occurring to me that I'd felt the gentle, subtle rhythm/tone of some of its funniest lines before. I laughed out loud at lines such as:
I wrote a very satirical letter to Merton, and said, 'Considering we had to pay for the seats, we did our best to appreciate the performance. I thought this line rather cutting, and I asked Carrie how many p's are in appreciate, and she said, 'One.' After I sent off the letter I look at the dictionary and found there were two. Awfully vexed at this.

Carrie referred in the most uncomplimentary manner to my poor father's pecuniary trouble. I retorted by saying, 'Pa, at all events, was a gentleman,' whereupon Carrie burst out crying. I positively could not eat any breakfast.

Lupin refused to walk down the Parade with me because I was wearing my new straw helmet with my frock-coat. I don't know what the boy is coming to.
Finally, it dawned on me who this voice reminded me of: Woody Allen's brilliant Without Feathers, which included gems such as:
Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: Frequently there must be a beverage.

How wrong Emily Dickinson was! Hope is not "the thing with feathers." The thing with feathers has turned out to be my nephew. I must take him to a specialist in Zurich.

What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.
I STRONGLY recommend both books! :)

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