Tuesday, June 02, 2020

A Few Thoughts on Space Force (So Far)

- Never-minding how it's almost impossible to not see him as Michael Scott, is Steve Carell's gruff, "weary and frustrated Luke Wilson" voice the worst part of the show?

- It wasn't good but starting out crappy and then totally turning things around seems to be Greg Daniels' way, a la The Office and Parks and Rec.

- Thing about that last point is, as much as they struggled in their first two seasons they were still better than Space Force so far. AND you'd think Daniels would've learned whatever lesson by now?

- At this point I'd much rather watch 10 episodes of Chris Gethard trapped in a spaceship. Stole the scene every time he opened his mouth.

- Can we stop pretending we don't want Ben Schwartz to simply redo his character from Parks and Rec? Turn him loose, Space Force!!!

- John Malkavich is brilliant.

- Jimmy Yang from Silicon Valley is also fantastic.

- Noel Emmerich is a great actor but even for this show, he's too much of a cartoon. You can't have Carell's nemesis be such a laughable buffoon.

- The current events things is just weird. They're obviously referencing Trump without saying his name, but just like dealing with Trump in real life it's just awkward and not funny.

- Maybe the problem is that with an almost embarrassment of riches when it comes to the cast, the problem is there could be several different shows. The Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense could be their own show. Chan/Mallory could be their own show. Ben Schwartz could be his own show. Capt. Ali could lead her own show. Maybe Daniels' biggest job for season 2 is figuring out how to either maximize the cast to its fullest or drop some. Veep worked with such a huge cast because even if a character had one line it was an absolute killer.

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