Friday, June 12, 2020

And Me, With A Birthday Coming Up

Apparently one of Dee Dee Ramone's bass guitars is up for auction:
The cream-colored bass, which Ramone used onstage between 1979 and 1982, sports a red pickguard with clear caulking around the periphery, adhesive remnants to the neck plate and plenty of stage wear, including paint loss and chipping to the body.
Here's my favorite part:
Ramone would number the basses he brought on tour in order of preference, taping a ‘1’ to his main bass, a ‘2’ to his backup and tuning bass and a ‘3’ to an ‘emergency’ bass
He couldn't just remember which one was his favorite?  Pretty cool though that it must be what he played on Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio, which is not only an amazing song but he plays some kick-ass bass on it.

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