Friday, June 26, 2020

Basketball Blunders

I'd always thought the dumbest basketball story I'd ever heard was the one about a Georgetown scout in the early 1980's going to Cambridge Rindge and Latin School and coming back to Coach Thompson super-excited about a player. The next time the scout went to Cambridge Thompson went with him to check out the kid for himself. After the scout pointed out the kid they hung out in the stands watching the teams warm up he asked, "who's that?" while pointing to a 7-foot Patrick Ewing.


Did that scout immediately get fired? How the fuck had he not noticed Patrick Ewing in the game before while checking out the other kid?

Then today I was flipping through the kinda-dumb-but-perfect-for-bathroom-reading Larry Bird autobiography, Drive, and it turns out that right before his senior year the head coach quit. And it's not like he had to because he was moving or anything, he stayed at the school as a teacher. How much of an idiot is this guy? You've got Larry freakin' Bird playing a bunch of kids in the sticks and you jump off that train instead of putting your tootsies up on the bench, saying "go get 'em, Lar!" and being hailed as a genius?

Wtf. People, amirite?

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