Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Couple/Few = Head Exploding

A while back I was babysitting for a friend of mine and as he was leaving, I asked how long he'd be gone.

Him: A couple of hours.
Me: A couple of hours what does that mean?
Him: You know, a couple.
Me: Yeah but what time exactly?

He gets frustrated.

Him: A couple! A couple is 3, a few is 2!
Me: Then why didn't you just say 3 hours??!!

Same thing happened last night when I was listening to Mike Francesa talk about Mickey Mantle's stats during a doubleheader some 50+ years ago, I don't remember what year. He's reading the box score, and it's:

"4 for 5, one homer...a coupla rbis..."

"A couple"? You're reading the box score! There is LITERALLY a number showing EXACTLY how many rbis he had!!!!!! (head explodes)

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