Monday, June 22, 2020

Ivan Meets GI Joe - I Mean, Jack White

Growing up as a kid who worshiped at the altar of CBGB's I of course loved The Voidoid's big "hit", Blank Generation. And after moving to Brooklyn in 1998 I was lucky enough to become friends with Ivan Julian, who played guitar in the Voidoids. I haven't seen him since I left Brooklyn, but have exchanged a few emails and still consider him a friend I hope to see again someday. The past coupla years have been tough on him, as he was hit with a bout of cancer, but thankfully, it looks like the worst is behind him (fingers crossed.)

Meanwhile, Jack White's band the Raconteurs were recently in New York at the iconic studio The Voidoids' classic was recorded back in 1977, Electric Lady Studios recording a cover of Blank Generation, and they called up Ivan to come talk about the song and the guitar parts he wrote & played. In the doc below, Ivan first comes in just after the 9:00 mark. It's a thrill to see him get some of the recognition he deserves, and to see how thrilled they were to see him there.

I'm filing all of this under "when good things happen to good people". :)

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