Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Mike and the Macca Dog

Since Mike and the Mad Dog broke up in 2008, Mike Francesa has been insufferable to listen to (YES, you may read my non-award-winning blog post on them from 2007, knock yourself out.) Without Dog's lightness and infectious energy, Francesa's gruff curmudgeon act just comes off grouchy and dismissive.

By far, the most interesting thing he's talked about in years came last week when he talked about meeting Paul McCartney, which has had callers calling in for days about their own connections with McCartney. A main point Francesa brings up over and over the past week is how "normal" McCartney is, particularly that he doesn't travel with an entourage, drives himself around and, most surprisingly, doesn't have security. What Francesa doesn't point out about the last part is not just that his band-mate John Lennon was assassinated and McCartney still felt fine walking around like anybody else but that there was also an assassination attempt on George Harrison!! that still didn't change the way Paul comported himself. Truly amazing.

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