Tuesday, June 09, 2020

With The Beetles

A new species of beetle has been named after The Beatles:
With groundbreaking albums and movies, The Beatles have left an indelible mark on popular culture. Now, they’re being celebrated in the world of entomology. A group of citizen scientists has decided to name a newly discovered species of beetle after the group. World, meet Ptomaphagus thebeatles.
According to Discover Wildlife, the beetle was found in Amsterdam’s Vondelpark in 2019 by amateur entomologists acting under the direction of Taxon Expeditions, which organizes surveys that the general public can take part in.
The 2-millimeter-long beetle is actually the first to be named after the band.
I believe that question rattling around in your brain is, "HOW THE HELL DID IT TAKE UNTIL NOW FOR SOMEONE TO COME UP WITH THIS?!?!?!?!?!

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