Monday, July 06, 2020

John & Paul

Earlier today I posted about to say being the 63rd anniversary of the day John Lennon and Paul McCartney met. And while it's easy to think, "well, they both live in Liverpool, they would've found each other eventually...", this article supposes differently:
It’s easy to assume that John and Paul would eventually have met on some other day had a mutual friend not chosen that hot and humid Saturday to make the introduction. But as much as they had in common, the two boys lived in different neighborhoods, went to different schools and were nearly two years apart in age.
For almost any teenage boys that two years difference would be insurmountable, which tells you how talented John instantly knew Paul was to put aside his own ego and let the kid into the band (and then, and even younger kid in George Harrison.) 5 years and countless hours onstage long into the night later they recorded their first song in the studio together, the fairly unremarkable Love Me Do. Right after that they crushed it with Please Please Me and didn't let up for the rest of the decade.

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