Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Newt Begat Trump

In what probably should be obvious, there's a book out now pointing out that Newt Gingrich is the person who has handed us Trump:
What led to Newt Gingrich's collapse?
Well, it's the same thing throughout his career: He goes too far. It's in the nature of how he fights a battle. He will put everything on the table. He will go to places most people won't go and he uses the media to command constant attention. This is always the principle to what he does. All of that means it's easy for this to fall apart relatively quickly. And there were various moments before he's speaker where he goes too far and all the media attention he gets ultimately turns against him. And this was a big part of what happened as speaker. He introduces a new kind of speakership where he's on TV almost every day. He's challenging Bill Clinton for media attention.

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