Wednesday, September 23, 2020

As Usual, Oscar Wilde Was Right

Everything in moderation, including moderation. - Oscar Wilde

Super-smart researchers have decided that particularly in Covid times, it's okay to knock off being so serious all the time and take a few moments to be a hedonistic waste of space:

Still, I come with good news: If you’re seeking happiness, a little pleasure, some temporary relief amid all this global melancholy, it’s OK to occasionally lie on the couch and eat chips and whipped cream from a bottle. Science says it’s fine. In fact, it may be good for you.

“We should start appreciating [short-term pleasures] as an important part of our every day lives, because they contribute to our well-being."

To be clear: She’s not endorsing sloth. The researchers did not conclude we should spend the rest of our lives watching “Three Stooges” marathons, especially if lying on the couch watching a “Three Stooges” marathon is going to give you a panic attack about not jogging.  “Certainly there is a point when pursuing short-term pleasures too often or too much might get into the way of your long-term projects,” Dr. Bernecker said. “The challenge is to find the balance between doing things that provide pleasure in the moment and things that provide pleasure in the long run.”

I, for one, have enough of these moments saved up for more than my own share of lifetimes.

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